Color Lab
Welcome to Color Lab, the amazing laboratory where you experience with colors!
Help a cute robot to sort all test tubes with the correct colors and climb to the top!
If you are stuck, you can count on amazing powers to help you in any kind of situation.
We thought about colorblinds too, as Color Lab implements a unique option to switch any colors to fit your preferences!
So, are you up to the challenge?
Game is available on the Play Store:
Magistr.IA – La justice en deux temps
Solve surprising murder cases with the help of your AI companion.
This game was made during the Scientific Game Jam 2024. It is based on Ronan Pons’ PhD thesis. His work is about the use of AI in the judiciary system. Game only available in French.
Vous êtes un jeune juge bien déterminé à prendre les décisions les plus justes possibles. Mais face à l’engorgement des tribunaux, il est aussi indispensable que tout le monde puisse être jugé en temps et en heure. Heureusement, vous êtes aidé de votre assistant, un logiciel d’IA surentraîné, qui vous proposera des solutions rapides au litige. Entre l’accumulation des preuves au dossier et des plaidoiries, difficile d’allier rapidité et justice.
Game is available on

Yur-E’s Brain
Yur-E’s brain is a puzzle game where you have to help Yur-E in his job to protect his ship.
Yur-E’s brain was made during the Scientific Game Jam 2023. It is based on Adrien Dorise’s PhD thesis. His work is about the protection of satellites’ components by using artificial intelligence. In Yur-E’s brain, you have to make the correct connections of Yur-E’s neuron to help him in his mission of protecting his satellite. After each try, information about the true meaning of each neuron is revealed to the player, as training an artifical intelligence model would.
Will you be able to help Yur-E discover his true potential?
Game is available on
Deep Down
Deep Down is an action RPG where characters are controlled by neural networks.
The second game made by our studio. It was created in a week during the AI and Games Jam 2021. This game is our first attempt at using artificial intelligence with reinforcement learning. In Deep down, you control a group of adventurers going through a dungeon. Each of them is controlled by a specific neural network and are tasked with their own objectives. Will you be able to lead them safely around a horde of monster?
Game is available on

Bicolor is a colorfull 2D platformer.
Third game of our studio made for the GMTK Game Jam 2021. With only two days to create the game, Bicolor focused on a simple design, and innovative gameplay! Make your way to the end by switching color, allowing you to interct differently with the world around you!
Game is available on
Mini Glanlf – World Championship
Mini Glanlf is a 3D golf game with oak trees and acorns!
This game was made during the Global Game Jam 2023.
Take the control of GG, the golden acorn, and grow trees along your way to reach the golden pot by following the music. Moving when you are an acorn is not simple: you will be able to control the growth of an oak tree to take some altitude, and drop GG from the tip of a branch to progress further in the level. Your secondary objective is to reach the golden pot by following the music, your primary objective is to have fun with GG!
Game is available on

Voyagers is a labyrinthic platformer, where the player can control the gravity.
The first game of our studio. Made in April 2021 for an online Game Jam themed “Lost in space”. Follow the steps of our hero, a brave astronaut on an unknown planet, and help him find his soul lost during the crash.
Game is available online on