Adrien Dorise

Adrien Dorise holds a position as Research Engineer at the French Space Agency (CNES), France. He received the Engineering degree from INSA CVL in 2018, and his PhD in computer science and embedded science from INSA Toulouse in 2022. His research interests include artificial intelligence, tiny machine learning, computer vision, explainable AI and space radiation.
He is the founder, developer and composer of Law Tech Productions, an indie game studio, and aims to develop this activity into the creation of serious games, combining his interest in interactive games with his research work.
What’s new?
“AI in Space” conference
Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hosting a conference about “AI in space”…
Conférence “Intelligence artificielle, jeux vidéo et recherche” Il y a peu, je suis intervenu lors des Master Class organisée par le…
Conférence l’IA et le spatial
Vendredi prochain, j’interviens dans le cadre de la Mélée Numérique organisée par La Mélée à…
My machine learning course
I am currently working on developing a new AI programming course at master level.What is…
ePicture This Conference 2023
Last month, we had the opportunity to present our latest work in the field of machinelearning for…
Scientific Game Jam 2023
Bringing science and games together? It is now done thanks to the wonderful event that…
- Adrien Dorise, “Embedded anomaly detection – Machine learning based radiation hardening of space electronics”. Computer Science and Embedded Systems. INSA de Toulouse, 02/12/2022, hal: tel-03997861
- Adrien Dorise, Audine Subias, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Corinne Alonso, “Advanced machine learning for the detection of single event effects” Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems – RADECS 2022, 03/10/2022, hal-03789895
- Adrien Dorise, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Audine Subias, Corinne Alonso, “Dyd²: Dynamic Double anomaly Detection: Application to on-board space radiation faults” IFAC Safeprocess 2022 :11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, IFAC, 08/06/2022, Pafos, Cyprus, doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.20, hal: hal-03609573v2.
- Adrien Dorise, Corinne Alonso, Audine Subias, Louise Travé-Massuyès, François Vacher, Leny Baczkowsky, “Machine learning as an alternative to thresholding for space radiation fault detection”, Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems – RADECS 2021, 13/09/2021, doi: 10.1109/RADECS53308.2021.9954582, hal: hal-03331030v1
- Serge Dos Santos, Giuseppe Nardoni, Adrien Dorise, Parnian Hemmati, Marco Feroldi, Pietro Nardoni, “Experimental analysis of planar/volumetric defects in ultrasonics NDT: standardization of evaluation metrics using symbiosis of TOFD and TR-NEWS methods“, European Conference of Non-Destructive Testing – ECNDT2023 -Lisbonne – Portugal, 07/2023, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16285.90087
- Boris Lenseigne, Julia Cohen, Adrien Dorise, Edouard Villain, “Machine learning for computer vision: a case study in human-machine interaction“, ePicture This Workshop 2023, 06/2023, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36695.44964.
- Adrien Dorise, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Corinne Alonso, Audine Subias, François Vacher, Leny Baczkowsky, “Creation of a database for Single events latch-up detection on Atmel SAM3X microcontroller”, European Space Components Conference – ESCCON 2021, 09/03/2021, hal: hal-03330093v1.
- Adrien Dorise, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Corinne Alonso, Audine Subias, François Vacher, Leny Baczkowsky, “Anomaly Detection for Radiation Hardening of Space Electronics – Application of Machine Learning Algorithms on an Atmel SAM3X Microcontroller”, 14th ESA Workshop on Avionics, Data, Control and Software Systems – ADCSS2020, 20/10/2020, hal: hal-03330033v1.
- Adrien Dorise, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Audine Subias, Corinne Alonso “Dynamic Double anomaly Detection through evolving clustering: Application to on-board space radiation faults“, ANITI meeting, Toulouse, France, 03/2022, hal: hal-03622285.
Ynov Campus
- Master: Artificial Intelligence & Non-Playable Behaviours.
INSA Toulouse
- Master: Machine Learning.
- Master: Deep Learning.
- Master: Data Visualization.
- Bachelor: Computer Science (C).
- Bachelor: Computer Science (ADA).
Université Paul Sabatier
- Bachelor: Discrete Control.
- Bachelor: Linear Control.